Field Duty Papers

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AllianceField Duty Papers
Start Captain Blackanvil
End Captain Blackanvil
Level 56 (Requires 54)
Category Silithus
Rewards  [Signed Field Duty Papers]
Repeatable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [56] Field Duty Papers.


I take it you want those papers signed, <lad/lass>?


You will receive:
Inv misc note 02.png [Signed Field Duty Papers]


Aye, I suppose that little skirmish will pass as field duty nowadays. Take these back to Cenarion Hold, I'm sure they'll have a cushy job ready for you.

Off you go!


An Ironforge Brigade Rifleman runs up to Janela Stouthammer.
Ironforge Brigade Rifleman says: Something big's coming out from the hive, ma'am. Headed straight for us.
Janela Stouthammer says: Soldier, call Captain Blackanvil at once!
Janela Stouthammer yells: Look alive, lads! The enemy has been sighted! Form ranks immediately!
An Ironforge Brigade Footman runs up to the captain's tent.
Ironforge Brigade Footman says: Captain! Lieutenant Stouthammer requests your presence! The enemy is approaching, sir!
Captain Blackanvil says: This better be important!
Captain Blackanvil says: Looks like it's going to be one of those days. or Aye, lads! Things are about to get quite ugly.
Captain Blackanvil yells: Stand ready!
Captain Blackanvil yells: Footmen, make a line!
Captain Blackanvil yells: Open fire!



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