Fel Raider

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MobFel Raider
Image of Fel Raider
Gender Male
Race Felguard (Demon)
Level 40 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Sha'tari Skymesa, Talador
Status Killable

Fel Raiders are felguard located at the Sha'tari Skymesa in Talador.


  • Spell fire flametounge.png Fel Lash — Slashes the target, inflicting Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards.
  • Spell shadow demonicpact.png Flame Charge — Brandishes a flaming weapon and charges forward, inflicting Fire damage and knocking back enemies in the path of travel. Upon reaching the end of the path, invokes a large gout of flame, inflicting additional Fire damage and knocking back enemies within 10 yards.

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