Fel Iron Deposit

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This article is about the mining node. For the crafting reagent, see  [Fel Iron Bar]. For the ore, see  [Fel Iron Ore]. For the metal, see Fel Iron.
Fel iron mining node

Fel Iron Deposits are the primary source of  [Fel Iron Ore] through the mining profession.


These deposits are found throughout all of Outland, but are by far most commonly found in Hellfire Peninsula. They can be found in all zones of Outland, as well as the Isle of Quel'Danas, and sometimes in various TBC dungeons.

Loot Table
Item Drop % No. of items possible
 [Fel Iron Ore] 100% 1-9
 [Mote of Earth] ~30% 1-2
 [Mote of Fire] ~30% 1-2
 [Eternium Ore] ~5%
 [Azure Moonstone] ~0.5%
 [Blood Garnet] ~0.5%
 [Deep Peridot] ~0.5%
 [Flame Spessarite] ~0.5%
 [Golden Draenite] ~0.5%
 [Shadow Draenite] ~0.5%
 [Living Ruby] ~0.1%
 [Dawnstone] ~0.1%
 [Noble Topaz] ~0.1%
 [Talasite] ~0.1%
 [Nightseye] ~0.1%
 [Star of Elune] ~0.1%

assuming player has max mining skill


During the early part of the expansion, Fel Iron Deposits could be found in proximity to the Dark Portal in the zone of Blasted Lands. These were later removed, presumably because players could level their mining skill here without having bought the expansion.

Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Each expansion now has a separate profession skill bar, with smaller caps for each expansion, instead of one gigantic profession skill bar for all expansions put together.
    • Now requires Outland Mining and a skill of 1, down from the previous required skill of 225.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.

External links