Feeling A Bit Morose

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NeutralFeeling A Bit Morose
Start Moroes
End Moroes
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Heroic
Category Iron Docks
Experience 15,070 XP
Rewards  [Moroes' Famous Polish]
15g 40s


Collect a barrel of Horribly Acidic Solution from the Iron Docks.


So many years of waking up as a spirit, reanimated by some unseen force time and again, has left one with certain desires - the comforting, velvet blackness of death being chief amongst them.

One will, however, settle for the lesser prize of a solution capable of removing the scuff marks that the commander's wonderful compatriots left behind in the dining hall in their woefully short stay in Karazhan, whereupon they barely had enough time to irreparably damage the priceless furniture.


Was the commander successful?


One is eternally in your debt for what is, one is certain, an entirely selfless act on the part of the commander.

Though more barrels were likely available, one will staunchly make do with the single barrel provided, comforted in the knowledge that the commander must deal with the great pressing issues of this land, and does not have time to clean up the mud that that so dutifully follows the commander's heroic allies.


You will receive: 15g 40s
Inv potion 86.png [Moroes' Famous Polish]



Requires having built AllianceLunarfall Inn or HordeFrostwall Tavern in your garrison.

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