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Image of Fe'tajid
Title <Bounty Hunter>
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Fe
Location Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
Status Alive

Fe'tajid is a broker located at the Gilded Landing in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. He is a business associate of Au'manal and claims to be the best bounty hunter in Cartel Ba. Au'manal sends Maw Walkers to help Fe'tajid after making  [Passably-Forged Credentials] for them. Fe'tajid shipped his latest acquisitions to Tazavesh, but Cartel Zo claimed they were stuck in customs as a means of extorting him. He asked the Maw Walkers to help him fool Cartel Zo and modified their disguises to help with the task.[1]

Objective of



During N [60D] Tazavesh: A Hard Bargain:

A mortal in Tazavesh? How peculiar... I am Fe'tajid. Cartel Fe is known for bounty hunting, and I am the finest among them.

I shipped my latest acquisitions here, but Cartel Zo claims they are stuck in customs. Extortion, of course. But perhaps we can be of use to one another.

Be forewarned however, this will not be easy.

Gossip I understand the risks, I will help.

Fantastic! I will modify you current... disguise and perhaps it will actually be able to fool someone.

Gossip Please do.

My thanks, mortal. Let us keep our involvement between us, yes?

Patch changes


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