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Faceless Ruiner

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MobFaceless Ruiner
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Race N'raqi (Aberration)
Level 120 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Empire
Location Chamber of Heart
Status Killable

Faceless Ruiners are n'raqi located in the Chamber of Heart.


  • Spell shadow charm.png Hysteria — Increases all casting and attack speeds by 10% while increasing the cost of all abilities by 3%.

If the victim reaches 20 applications of Hysteria they will go insane for 4 sec.

  • Sha spell fire bluehellfire.png Shadow Crash — Fires a missile towards an enemy at range. When this missile lands, it deals 30 Shadow damage to all enemies within 3 yards of that location and 30 Shadow damage to enemies within the area every 1 sec for 40 sec.

Objective of

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