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Faceless Mask of the Burned Bridge

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For the item, see  [Faceless Mask of the Burned Bridge].
NeutralFaceless Mask of the Burned Bridge
Start  [Faceless Mask of the Burned Bridge]
End Automatic
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Visions of N'Zoth


Return the Faceless Mask of the Burned Bridge to the altar within a Horrific Vision.


The displaced warrior is always on uneasy footing, especially one who is removed from her home world. The void makes this unsteadiness a reality where one step can lead into the abyss or drain you to your core.


Place the Faceless Mask of the Burned Bridge on the altar.


The treacherous path of the Burned Bridge will be available to you if you wish to tread it.





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