Explosives Shredding

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AllianceExplosives Shredding
Start Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper
End Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper
Level 7-30 (Requires 7)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 1,250
Reputation +350 Darnassus
Rewards  [Shredder Blade]
or  [Powder Burn Vest]
or  [Forestkeeper Legguards]
or  [Soot-Stained Chainmail Breastplate]
or  [Shredder Piston]
20s 30c
Previous A [7-30] Agents of Destruction


Use a Warsong Shredder to destroy 8 Kegs of Explosives.


I hate to send you back in there, but based on your description of what's going on, we can't let them use all of those explosives they have stored up!

It's too dangerous for you to try to destroy them yourself, but if you were to steal one of their shredders, I'm sure they're tough enough to withstand the explosions.

After you've destroyed their explosives, return here with the shredder. There's no sense in letting them have it back.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv sword 24.png [Shredder Blade] Inv chest cloth 08.png [Powder Burn Vest]
Inv pants mail 11.png [Forestkeeper Legguards] Inv chest cloth 08.png [Soot-Stained Chainmail Breastplate]
Inv hammer 24.png [Shredder Piston]

You will also receive:


Time's running out, <name>.


I saw those explosions all of the way from over here! Those filthy orcs and their goblin lackeys are going to have a hard time doing anything to despoil the forest now!

We can't thank you enough, <name>. Will this do?


  1. A [7-30] Agents of Destruction / A [7-30] Recover the Remains
  2. A [7-30] Explosives Shredding

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