Excavator Rustshiv

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HordeExcavator Rustshiv
Image of Excavator Rustshiv
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Location Brokenspear Tavern, Warspear
Status Alive

Excavator Rustshiv is a goblin found in the Brokenspear Tavern in Warspear on Ashran.


  • Excavator Rustshiv says: Man, I thought it would be a pretty sweet gig coming out here with the Society. Boy was I wrong!
  • Excavator Hardtooth says: What's wrong with this place? The digs ain't bad.
  • Excavator Rustshiv says: It ain't the digs I'm concerned about. Everywhere you turn either an ogre is trying to club your head in, or one of those Alliance goons wants to stick a sword in ya!
  • Excavator Hardtooth says: I thought you were tellin' me that you laugh in the face of danger? Sounds like you might be afraid of this place.
  • Excavator Rustshiv says: Oh I ain't afraid, baby. It's just that death puts a steep cut in the profit margins.

  • Excavator Rustshiv says: Is beer the only thing these orcs drink? What does a goblin gotta do to get a nice cocktail around here?
  • Excavator Hardtooth says: It ain't so bad. It kinda makes me nostalgic.
  • Excavator Rustshiv says: Nostalgic? How does that swill make you nostalgic?
  • Excavator Hardtooth says: Well, the taste kinda reminds me of the runoff water from cooling the machines back home. It's all we had to drink when I was a kid.
  • Excavator Rustshiv says: Wow, that's... surprisingly accurate.

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