Eternal Mages

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NeutralEternal Mages
Level 110 (850)
Duration 18 hrs
Followers 3
Type Generic
Enemies Arcanist Thinwhisp
Company of Ancient Flamecaller
Fel Meteor
Cost 200 Order Resources
Champion XP 3,000
Bonus Chest  [Court of Farondis Insignia]
 [Court of Farondis Insignia]


In the Temple of a Thousand Lights, ancient mages still linger in the form of spirits and banshees. Destroy Arcanist Thinwhisp and her Ancient Flamecallers.


  • Arcanist Thinwhisp: Powerful
  • Company of Ancient Flamecaller: Slowing Disorienting Lethal Cursed Powerful
  • Fel Meteor: Slowing Disorienting Cursed


You will receive:
Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis.png [Court of Farondis Insignia] Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis.png [Court of Farondis Insignia]

You will also receive:

  • 3,000 follower XP
  • 1,805g

Patch changes

External links