Eternal Kilnmaster

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MobEternal Kilnmaster
Image of Eternal Kilnmaster
Gender Male
Race Yaungol (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ordon
Location Firewalkers' Path, Timeless Isle
Status Killable

Eternal Kilnmasters are Elite Ordon Yaungol on the Timeless Isle. They are infamous for 1-shotting players with their Blazing Blow ability and their Fiery Charge making kiting dangerous.


  • Achievement firelands raid ragnaros.png Conjure Eternal Kiln — Summons a Flarecore Golem to assist the caster. 2 sec cast. Uninterruptible. Actually summons an Eternal Kiln with 393,941 health that buffs the kinmaster with...
    • Inv summerfest firedrink.png Kilnfire 100 yd range — Spread Kilnfire to the kiln's creator, increasing Fire damage dealt by 50%, Haste by 50%, and movement speed by 50%. Aura on the kiln, shown as a red line between the kiln and the summoner.
  • Spell fire flameblades.png Blazing Blow — Deals 462 to 538% weapon damage as Physical damage to enemies in a line in front of the caster. 1.5 sec cast. Uninterruptible. Area of effect is a line 5 yards wide and 25 yards long.
  • Ability warrior charge.png Fiery Charge 20-60 yd range — Charge the enemy, inflicting 400% weapon damage as Fire and knocking the target down. 0.5 sec cast. 2 sec stun

Notable loot

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External links