Etched Parchment

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The Etched Parchment was given provided as an objective for H IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Orc Female.gif Hunter [3] Etched Parchment which started with Gornek in the Valley of Trials in Durotar.



I've seen you shuffling around the Valley, young one, with your flimsy bow and that shabby armor. You remind me of a young hunter I knew a long time ago...

If you're interested in learning a bit more about the trade, come visit me. The hunter's path can be a lonely one, and it helps to have allies along the way.

-Karranisha, Hunter Trainer


Ya be in good hands now, mon. Jen'shan know you be lookin' to learn da ways of da hunter, and she be ready to teach you... if you be ready to listen.

Come find me in da Valley of Trials. Jen'shan start your trainin' and show you just how powerful da ways of da hunter is.

-Jen'shan, Hunter Trainer

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