Escape from Umbrafen

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NeutralEscape from Umbrafen
Start Kayra Longmane
End Ysiel Windsinger
Level 10-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 10400 EXP (or 3g 75s at level 70)
Reputation +250 Cenarion Expedition
Rewards  [Explorer's Leggings]
or  [Preserver's Medallion]
or  [Warden's Hammer]
or  [Warden's Longbow]
2g 90s


Escort Kayra Longmane to the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh. Report to Ysiel Windsinger when you've completed this task.


You must help me get out of here!

I was gathering herbs nearby when a handful of these little savages abducted me. I tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them.

Help me return to the Cenarion Refuge and away from these cruel wretches and their vile magic!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants 06.png [Explorer's Leggings] Inv jewelry necklace 07.png [Preserver's Medallion]
Inv hammer 10.png [Warden's Hammer] Inv weapon bow 05.png [Warden's Longbow]

You will also receive:


Yes, <name>?


You rescued one of my druids. We could never repay you, <name>.

You have my thanks as well as that of the expedition.


On accept
Kayra Longmane says: Is the way clear? Let's get out while we can, <name>.
Kayra walks outside, two Umbrafen Slavebinders attack.
Kayra Longmane says: Looks like we won't get away so easily. Get ready!
Slavebinders killed
Kayra Longmane says: Let's keep moving. We're not safe here!
She starts running across the bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, two more Slavebinders attack.

Kayra Longmane says: Look out, <name>! Enemies ahead!
Umbrafen Slavebinder says: You won't escape us, druid!
Slavebinders killed
Kayra Longmane says: We're almost to the refuge! Let's go.
Point reached
Kayra Longmane says: I can see my fellow druids from here. Thank you, <name>. I'm sure Ysiel will reward you for your actions!

Patch changes

External links