Escape Through Stealth

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AllianceEscape Through Stealth
Start Volcor
End Terenthis
Level 20 (Requires 16)
Category Darkshore
Experience 775 EXP (or 4s 80c at level 70)
Rewards  [Scarab Trousers]


Escape the Furbolg cave and meet Terenthis in Auberdine.

  • Help Volcor escape the cave


All right then... if you're sure, we'll sneak out of here. Let us leave when you're ready.

Remember, after you've escaped, meet Terenthis back in Auberdine. I'll head there on my own since I'll probably be moving faster than you.


You will also receive:


Yes, <name>?


<Name>! I'm pleased to see you've returned successfully. Your assistance to Volcor has given me faith that we can overcome the challenges facing us here in Darkshore and beyond.


  1. A [20] A Lost Master
  2. A [20] A Lost Master
  3. one of

Patch changes

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