Eratus, the Unwoven Paradox

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WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
The subject of this article or section is part of WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, a world event lasting for a limited time.
MobEratus, the Unwoven Paradox
Image of Eratus, the Unwoven Paradox
Race Sand elemental (Elemental)
Level 10 - 20 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Timeless Shore, Timeless Isle
Status Killable

Eratus, the Unwoven Paradox is a sand elemental located in the Timeless Shore on the Timeless Isle.


  • Spell necro deathrift.png Causality Tear — Inflicts 2 Arcane damage to all enemies in front of the caster every 0.2 sec for 3 sec.
  • Ability evoker bronze 01.png Inexplicable Fragmentation — Damaging the paradox has a chance to fragment into further anomalies, dealing 5 Arcane damage on impact.
  • Ability evoker rewind2.png Rewind — Absorbs nearby anomalies, healing the caster for 4 health every 0.2 sec for 15 sec. Immune while channeling.
  • Ability earthen pillar.png Rupturing Earth — The caster causes the earth to rupture beneath the target's feet, inflicting 15 Nature damage to all targets within 3 of the impact location and knocking them upward.
  • Spell sandstorm.png Timestorm — Summons a temporal whirlwind that inflicts Arcane damage to enemies in the area every 1 sec for until canceled.

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