Equipping Our Fleet (Alliance)

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AllianceEquipping Our Fleet
Start Merreck Vonder
End Salty Jorren
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Rewards [Oil] (100)
1g 54s
Previous B [40] If At First You Fail, Try Again!
Next B [40] A True Naval Commander
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40] Equipping Our Fleet.


Meet Salty Jorren at the docks.


Commander, our fleet is going to require some custom naval equipment if we hope to stand a chance in this war. Find Salty Jorren down at the docks, he should be able to help us out.


You will receive: 1g 54s



Gossip I hear you're an expert on naval equipment. Have some time to help me out?

I can help ya out, <class>. I remember seeing some documents at the end of the docks. Head down there and take a look.


Equipment can really make a difference out there, let's see what I can do to help ya out.

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