Environeer Bert

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AllianceEnvironeer Bert
Image of Environeer Bert
Title <Leprous Pet Tamer>
Gender Male
Race Leper gnome (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Train Depot, Gnomeregan
Status Alive
Companion(s) Clamp, Corporal Hammer, M-37

Environeer Bert is a leper gnome located at the Train Depot in Gnomeregan. He appears to be a gnome who went down inside Gnomeregan to clean it but ended up getting irradiated without realizing it.


My robots and I are going to clean up Gnomeregan!

I don't quite have the technology figures out, though. Right now I can get the little guys to soak up the toxic fumes, but all they produce is more toxic fumes.

Also, everything's getting green and hazy. It's kind of nice, actually, helps me focus on my work.

So what can I do for you today, my fine trogg friend?

<Bert cocks his head and looks slightly to the left of you.>

Gossip Think you can take me in a pet battle? Let's fight!


Patch changes

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