Enslaved Gronn Brute

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MobEnslaved Gronn Brute
Image of Enslaved Gronn Brute
Gender Male
Race Gronn (Giant)
Level    Retail: 30-35 Elite
Classic: 85 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location Khardros' Anvil, Grim Batol
Status Killable

Enslaved Gronn Brutes are elite gronn that have been captured by the Twilight's Hammer and brought to Grim Batol.


  • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png  Crunch Armor —  The massive strike inflicts a blow that deals 120% (100%) weapon damage and decreases Armor by 20% for 15 sec. This effect stacks up to 10 times. 0.75 sec cast.


These are the only nameless Gronn mobs on Azeroth. It is not known why they are enslaved, as Skullcrusher the Mountain is willingly serving the Twilight's Hammer.

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