Ember Court: Refreshments

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VenthyrEmber Court: Refreshments
Start Temel
End Tubbins
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 7,750
Rewards 25g 3s 80c
Previous N [60] Ember Court Rehearsal
Next N [60] Ember Court: Tubbins's Tea Party


Speak with Picky Stefan to see your Refreshment options, then complete Tubbins's quest to earn the tea party contract.

  • Review the Refreshments List
  • Complete the requirement to access Tubbins's Tea Party


We should always serve refreshments in the Ember Court, tailoring our choice of refreshment type to the preferences of our guests.

Luckily, I know our first guest well. Like Theotar, he prefers it to be Formal.

Work with Picky Stefan to acquire everything we need to throw a fancy tea party.


You will receive:

  • 25g 3s 80c
  • 7,750 XP


Picky Stefan can help you know what to do if you're unsure how to earn the tea party contract.


You smart! Tubbins tea is the best tea!


Speak with Picky Stefan and the menu appears.

Picky Stefan says: I am afraid that Theotar drank our entire supply of tea during the rehearsal.
Picky Stefan says: We shall need to speak with his dredgers, who seem to always have another kettle ready on the fire.


  1. N [60] A New Court
  2. N [60] Ember Court Rehearsal
  3. Complete all of the following:
  4. N [60] The Ember Court

Patch changes

External links