Elisara Sunstriker

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HordeElisara Sunstriker
Image of Elisara Sunstriker
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City
Location Saltheril's Haven, Eversong Woods[38, 73]
Status Alive

Elisara Sunstriker is a blood elf found at Saltheril's Haven in Eversong Woods. She appears to be flirting with Lord Saltheril.


  • Isn't this just so much fun? I'm so glad that Lord Saltheril throws these parties every night, especially with all that nastiness occurring to the south. Kind of just makes all of that go away don't you think?
  • Greetings, my <lady / lord>. I trust that you are having a pleasant time?
Dialogues (answers chosen randomly)
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: You promised to take me out for a night on the town! Are we just going to stand around here again tonight?
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: Salthy, do you think we're letting too many 'undesirables' into the party? I do worry about what our friends might think of all of this.
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: Milord, do you think that we can join the party soon? I'm so bored in here.
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: I was just thinking... we really ought to take a trip south one of these nights, maybe have an evening picnic overlooking the fighting at the border? What do you think, milord? Wouldn't that just be so exciting?
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: I'm so tired. We really shouldn't have stayed up so late last night... well this morning. But it was fun! You do throw the best soirees milord.
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: Milord, with much of the sin'dorei nobility regrettably crushed, does that mean that you are likely to receive an elevation soon? I'm so excited for you!
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: Lord Saltheril, my dear, did you notice that supplies for the party are a little low? We really should send for one of those couriers from Fairbreeze Village to deliver more of whatever is needed. I especially like those little hors d'oeuvres wrapped in the smoked bacon. What are those called?
  • Elisara Sunstriker says: Oh, my lordship, I do so hope that you've arranged for more of that excellent wine from Silvermoon City. I dare say drinking it makes me feel almost as forward as a common woman!

  • Lord Saltheril says: As you say, my dear, as you say.
  • Lord Saltheril says: Hmm, what was that? I'm sorry my dear, I must have been daydreaming.
  • Lord Saltheril says: Oh, most definitely, Elisara. But please, can you show the least bit of patience?
  • Lord Saltheril says: Is that so? How very interesting. My dear, why don't you run along and powder your nose? I have much to think about.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Julia Sunstriker, Jesthenis Sunstriker, Dathris Sunstriker, Champion Sunstriker, and Elathriel Sunstriker.

Patch changes

External links

es:Elisara Golpesol