Elemental Core (quest)

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Not to be confused with  [Elemental Core] or  [Elemental Core].
NeutralElemental Core
Start  [Elemental Core]
End Duke Hydraxis
Level 10-50
Category Island Expedition
Experience 8,230
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (700x Azerite)
11g 70s


Bring the core to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.


<A burned-out core from the elementals you encountered.

When you concentrate, you can sense that some elemental energy still exists, deep within the core.

They were clearly after the Azerite, but why?

It might be time to call in an old favor.>


You will receive:


Yes? I am no longer in the business of fire prevention.

Oh, you have questions about the elemental planes? They are in quite a state at the moment. Though the elements are always tumultuous, things have gotten quite out of hand.

The presence of this Azerite has ignited the lesser lords, and each seeks to overthrow the current lords and take the plane for themselves.

They see this new element as a sign of elemental rebirth.

I do not see this. Here, I do not want even the gems I have, take them.

Criteria of

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