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Elantia Arcarrow

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HordeElantia Arcarrow
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Gender Female
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Hunter
Reaction Alliance
Location Arathi Basin
Status Killable

Elantia Arcarrow is a nightborne located in Arathi Basin during Brawl: Comp Stomp for Alliance players.


  • Spell arcane focusedpower.png Adapted — Removes any loss of control effect with a duration of 5 seconds or more. This effect can only occur once every 1 min.
  • Inv spear 07.png Aimed Shot — A powerful aimed shot that deals 15 Physical damage.
  • Ability impalingbolt.png Arcane Shot — A quick shot that causes 4 Arcane damage.
  • Spell frost stun.png Concussive Shot — Dazes the target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
  • Ability rogue feint.png Disengage — Leap backwards.
  • Ability rogue feigndeath.png Feign Death — Feign death, tricking enemies into ignoring you. Lasts up to 6 min.
  • Spell fire flare.png Flare — Exposes all hidden and invisible enemies within the targeted area for 20 sec.
  • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Multi-Shot — Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within 8 yards for 2 Physical damage.
  • Spell holy dispelmagic.png PvP Trinket — Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character.
  • Ability hunter efficiency.png Rapid Fire — Shoot a stream of 10 shots at your target over 2.5 sec, dealing a total of (10 * 2%) Physical damage. Each shot generates 1 Focus. Usable while moving.
  • Spell hunter exoticmunitions poisoned.png Serpent Sting — Fire a shot that poisons your target, causing them to take 1 Nature damage instantly and an additional 4 Nature damage over 12 sec.
  • Ability hunter steadyshot.png Steady Shot — A steady shot that causes 4 Physical damage and increases the duration of Concussive Shot on the target by 3.0 sec. Usable while moving.

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