Echo of the Chemist

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MobEcho of the Chemist
Image of Echo of the Chemist
Race Slime giant (Aberration)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Sepulcher of Knowledge, Maldraxxus[40.7, 31.1]
Status Killable

The Echo of the Chemist is a slime giant representing the House of Plagues who spawns from the Runestone of Plague at Maldraxxus' Sepulcher of Knowledge during N [10-55] Repeat After Me.


  • Ability creature poison 01.png Slimy Coating — Consumes a nearby Slimy Morsel, healing the caster and empowering it.
  • Inv fistofthewhitetiger.png Stomp — Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies within 6 yards.

Objective of

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