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Start Draka
End Draka
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Campaign
Experience 13970
Reputation +250 Frostwolf Orcs
Rewards 12g 20s
Previous H [40] Eaters of the Elements
Next H [40] The Ascent


Collect 10 Motes of Frostfire.


Drek'Thar thinks the portions of Exurotus consumed by the goren might be worthless. I am not about to step before the fury without at least trying to recover as many of these "motes" as possible.

Slay any goren you find in the Magnarok and see if you cannot extract the motes of Frostfire from them.


You will receive:


Have you had any luck recovering those motes? I found 10 myself.


Goren are abominations. You have done well.


Pick up H [40] In the Shadow of Giants before heading in to the Magnarok. Inside, look out for Initiate Na'Shra, who offers H [10-40] Smeltcraft.

Any goren in the area should drop the motes.

There is a rare jormungar, The Bone Crawler, who is found in the eastern Refuse Pit. It drops  [The Bone Crawler's Carapace].


  1. H [40] Garrison Campaign: Farseer's Rock
  2. H [40] Eaters of the Elements
  3. H [40] In the Shadow of Giants & H [40] Eatercology
  4. H [40] The Ascent
  5. H [40] Fury of Frostfire
  6. H [40] Ours is the Fury

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