Eagle Eyes

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AllianceEagle Eyes
Start Master Woodsman Anderhol
End Master Woodsman Anderhol
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20750
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Rewards 5g 60s
Previous A [15-30] Them or Us!


Anderhol in Amberpine Lodge wants you to kill 5 Imperial Eagles and then report back to him.


Well, <name>, we've determined how the Horde was able to locate our hidden stores of food.

It turns out that they were binding their sight to the unsuspecting eagles that soar above the trees here. Using eagle vision, they were able to effectively spy on our every action.

By order of the lieutenant, we've got to hunt down these majestic birds in order to thwart our enemy.


You will receive: 5g 60s


Have you completed your task, <class>?


A somber task, I know. But we can rest easier now knowing the enemy's eyes are no longer upon us.


  1. A [15-30] Them or Us!
  2. A [15-30] Eagle Eyes

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