Dying Berserker

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HordeDying Berserker
Image of Dying Berserker
Gender Both
Race(s) Orc, Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Warsong Offensive
Occupation Berserker
Location Broken Front, Icecrown
Status Dying

Dying Berserkers are orcs and tauren found scattered at the Broken Front in Icecrown.

They were part of a recon force that encountered an Alliance offensive against the Scourge. On contact, they took cover. Once the alliance forces were fully engaged against the Scourge at the gate, they attacked from the rear, nearly wiping out the alliance force.

Dying Soldiers, gravely wounded members of that recon force, can also be found in this area.


Objective of

  • Interacting with a Dying Berserker is required for H [25-30] The Broken Front
  • Need to be killed for the quest A [25-30] Finish Me!

Patch changes

External links