Dwarven Spirit Guide

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NeutralDwarven Spirit Guide
Image of Dwarven Spirit Guide
Gender Both
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Wintergrasp
Status Active

Dwarven Spirit Guides are the Alliance Spirit Guides for Wintergrasp. They can be found at each cemetery, and can teleport you to controlled areas.



How I can guide your path, young one?

Gossip Guide me to the Eastspark Graveyard.

Gossip Guide me to the Fortress Graveyard.

Gossip Guide me to the Broken Temple Graveyard.

Gossip Guide me to the Sunken Ring Graveyard.

Gossip Guide me to the Westspark Graveyard.

Gossip Guide me back to the Alliance landing camp.

Patch changes

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See also

External links