Commander Durand

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BossCommander Durand
Image of Commander Durand
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Location Crusader's Chapel, Scarlet Monastery
Status Deceased (lore)[1]
Killable Mists of Pandaria

Commander Durand and High Inquisitor Whitemane compose the third and final boss encounter of the Scarlet Monastery.


  • Ability rogue feint.png Flash of Steel — Commander Durand rapidly shifts around the battlefield, attacking random players and inflicting 190 to 210[note 1] Physical damage every time he strikes.
  • Warrior talent icon skirmisher.png Dashing Strike — Commander Durand quickly dashes through his enemies to a location, inflicting 190 to 210[note 2] Physical damage to every enemy in his path.
  1. ^ Heroic: 57000-63000
  2. ^ Heroic: 57000-63000


Main article: High Inquisitor Whitemane (tactics)


To think you've come so far, only to perish here. I'll honor you with clean deaths.
My legend begins NOW!
High Inquisitor Whitemane yells: Arise, my champion!
Commander Durand yells: At your side, milady!
Killing a player
  • My blade is peerless!
  • Perfect technique!
But... my legend!


  • Durand is voiced by J.B. Blanc. Interestingly his spoken lines after being rezzed - "At your side, milady!" - are delivered with the old sound file of Mograine's voice.

Patch changes


External links