Duelist's Challenge

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NeutralDuelist's Challenge
Start Nadjia the Mistblade [31.6, 14.9]
End Prince Renathal [27.1, 13.9]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Venthyr Assault
Reputation +125 Court of Harvesters
The champions atop the Tremaculum

Duelist's Challenge is one of four potential quests during the N [60B] Venthyr Assault on the Tremaculum in the Maw.


Ask Boot the Beaut to throw you to the upper ramparts, then duel the champions of the Mawsworn army.


<Nadjia continues to parry attacks from enemy mawsworn while she turns to face you.>

As you can see, we have our hands full here on the barricade.

I will hold the line while you challenge the champions of the Mawsworn army.

Defeat them in full view of their underlings.

No mercy, <name>. Demoralize them.


You will receive:


Boot the Beaut can throw you up to the ramparts if needed.


Nadjia single-handedly held off an entire platoon of Mawsworn while the dredgers established our base.

Even General Draven was impressed.

Notes and trivia

On accept:

Nadjia the Mistblade says: Guard, turn, parry, dodge, spin, thrust...

Head to the south end of the rampart and check in with Boot the Beaut:

Boot the Beaut says: Hold onto your pants, little one!

Boot launches players up to the upper part of the Tremaculum, where Dartanos usually spawns.

Shackler Champion says: Stay back! The Maw Walker's mine.
Shackler Champion says: The Maw Walker... cannot be restrained...
Deadeye Champion says: Watch this shot. Right between their eyes.
Deadeye Champion says: Save your arrows... This one's... too strong...
Willbreaker Champion says: I will enjoy breaking this one...
Willbreaker Champion says: The Maw Walker... cannot be broken!
Overseer Champion says: I will carry you to the Jailer myself!
Overseer Champion says: We would be outnumbered... even ten to one...

Nadjia's on-accept line is a reference to the Looney Tunes skit Robin Hood Daffy where Daffy Duck says the same thing while practicing with a quarterstaff.


N [60B] Venthyr Assault, four of:

Patch changes

External links