Drink to the Dead

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NecrolordDrink to the Dead
Start Naxx
End Rathan
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Weekly
Category Abominable Stitching
Experience 8,150
Reputation +750 Stitchmasters
Rewards  [Superior Parts],  [Salvaged Supplies]


24 Purified Nectar and 2 Stewards collected


The Forsworn are ravaging the temples of Bastion, and the aspirants are leaving behind their supplies as they flee.

All those wonderful bottles of nectar falling into the hands of the Forsworn? I think not!

There's no way we can save all of the aspirants, but we can keep the Forsworn from taking those supplies. Besides... we could all use something to drink around here.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Tradeskill abominationstitching bodyparts.png [Superior Parts] Inv crate 06.png [Salvaged Supplies]


Did you find us some supplies?


Uh, I see you brought back a few friends?

Criteria of

Patch changes

External links