Driftwood (quest)

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Start Watcher Biggs
End Watcher Biggs
Level 42 (Requires 33)
Category Swamp of Sorrows
Experience 3450 EXP (or 21s at level 70)
Previous A [35] The Lost Caravan
Next A [42] Deliver the Shipment


Bring 8 pieces of  [Sundried Driftwood] to Watcher Biggs in the Swamp of Sorrows.


I owe you greatly, <name>. An honorable heart beats within you. And now I have another task for which I humbly ask your aid.

If I'm ever to reach Nethergarde, then I must fix this wagon. And for that... I will need wood. Strong, dry wood—not the spongy, tangled wood of the swamp's trees.

<name>, go east to the coast and search for driftwood that has been dried by the sun. Bring it to me.


Did you find any driftwood, <name>?


This wood is light, but tough. Thank you, <name>. It will work nicely.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. A [37] Help Watcher Biggs
  2. A [37] Encroaching Wildlife
  3. A [35] The Lost Caravan
  4. A [42] Driftwood
  5. A [42] Deliver the Shipment

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