Dredhunter Damien

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NeutralDredhunter Damien
Image of Dredhunter Damien
Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Banewood, Revendreth

Dredhunter Damien is a venthyr located at the Banewood in Revendreth. Along with Wingsmash and two Muckborn Craftsmen he plans to make the nearby Dredterror Ballista operational again, with the goal of taking down Harika the Horrid.


  • Ability rogue shadowstrike.png Pierce — Pierces the enemy with a sharpened blade, inflicting Physical damage.


On approach
Harika has been a nuisance to the resistance for too long! Help us bring her down!

Patch changes

External links