Dredging up an Assistant

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VenthyrDredging up an Assistant
Start Rendle
End Rendle
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
25g 3s 80c
Previous N [60] Making a Smarter Dredger
Next N [60] Introductions are in Order


Throw the Kaja-Infused Dredger Mix into the muck pool to create your dredger butler.


Here we go, onto the dredging part.

Just like we made that biggun here earlier!

I mean we don't need the stone of binding or three other dredgers, but you'll still be throwing stuff into the muck!

So it's the same.

You head to the shore with this here Kaja-Infused Dredger Mix I whipped up for you.

Toss it into that muck pool and let's meet that new dredger butler of yours!


The following will be cast on you:

You will also receive:


Did you throw it in? And, uh, did it work?


It worked! Of course I knew it would. Now what to name this guy... but first I am go'n to dismiss him so y'can test out the binding of the contract.


Bubbling Muck Pool


  1. N [60] Homegrown Help
  2. N [60] Shades of Muck
  3. N [60] Making a Smarter Dredger
  4. N [60] Dredging up an Assistant
  5. N [60] Introductions are in Order
  6. N [60] Dredging up a Name
  7. N [60] Dredging up a New Look

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Alright, on to the dredging part. Another of you mortals was just here mixing the pool so we can jump right to the dredging. This will be just like makin a biggun, minus the stone of binding and the need of three dredgers, but just like it since you throwing something new into the mix.

So head down to the shore with this here Kaja-Infusion and you should be good to go. What's that look for? It should be that easy, well I mean you have to throw in the potion, standing there with it won't do anything.


Throw the Kaja-Infused Dredger Mix into the muck pool to create a new dredger.

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