Dredging up a New Look

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VenthyrDredging up a New Look
Start Dredger Butler
End Dredger Butler
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Revendreth
Experience 8,150
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Dredging up a Name


Search enemies or discarded bottles in the Dredgewood for an armor dye.


If ye look around the muck pool I am sure you will find an armor dye. It might be nice to have the option to dye me belt a different color.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 8,150 XP


Did you find one?


We dredgers are an adaptable lot. If you find other dyes we will have options to dye my belt or even a doublet if you find one. Also, we be good at follicle control, so if you find any fetching posters of good lookin' folk give it to me and I will learn to grow mine to match.


  1. N [60] Homegrown Help
  2. N [60] Shades of Muck
  3. N [60] Making a Smarter Dredger
  4. N [60] Dredging up an Assistant
  5. N [60] Introductions are in Order
  6. N [60] Dredging up a Name
  7. N [60] Dredging up a New Look

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