Dread Pirate Placeholder

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NeutralDread Pirate Placeholder
Image of Dread Pirate Placeholder
Title <Pirate Lord of the South Sea>
Race Monkey (Undead)
Level 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Port of Zandalar, Dazar'alor; Tradewinds Market, Boralus

Dread Pirate Placeholder is a skeletal monkey located in the Port of Zandalar in Dazar'alor and in Tradewinds Market in Boralus.



Ahoy there!

The last ship to Nazjatar just departed, but in the meantime I can take ye there. ye will arrive a bit late to the party, but you'll be intact.

Want a ride, <name>?

Gossip Take me to Nazjatar!

Patch changes

External links