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Image of Draelan
Title <Enchanting Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Oracle Glade, Teldrassil[39, 30]
Status Unknown

Draelan is a night elf enchanting supplies vendor located at the Oracle Glade in northern Teldrassil.

It is unknown whether he survived the Burning of Teldrassil or not.


Item Cost
Enchanting items and formulae
 [Copper Rod] 1s 24c
(4)  [Strange Dust] 7s 20c
 [Lesser Magic Essence] 7s 20c
 [Simple Wood] 38c
 [Star Wood] 45s
 [Formula: Minor Wizard Oil] 4s
 [Formula: Minor Mana Oil] 24s
 [Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil] 32s
 [Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] 60s
 [Enchanting Vellum] 10s
 [Immortal Shard] 9g

Patch changes

External links