Dr. Ion Goldbloom

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HordeDr. Ion Goldbloom
Image of Dr. Ion Goldbloom
Title <Jurassic Expedition>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Jurassic Expedition
Location Isle of Giants[60.7, 44.5]
Status Active
Companion(s) Chaos, Screamer, Trike

Dr. Ion Goldbloom, part of the Jurassic Expedition to the Isle of Giants, finds himself stranded with Arnold Raygun and Nedris Smuggler at the Horde tent overlooking the central steam fields.

He also appears during the Celestial Tournament on the Timeless Isle.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Context for these.

  • Am I, mm, talking to myself? I am? See there, I'm right again.
  • Anyone, ah, hear that? It's ah, it's ah, an impact tremor.
  • Do you think they'll have this on the, ah, tour? Hm?
  • I'm fairly alarmed here.
  • I'm, I'm simply saying that life, uh... didn't find a way.
  • It's, ah, the cycle of life, mm. The Light creates troll, troll creates dinosaur, dinosaur eats human, trolls inherit Azeroth.
  • Remind me to thank Hamlock for a lovely weekend.
  • That's, that's chaos theory.
  • What have you got on that team of yours, King Mukla?
  • What's so great about victory? It's a violent, penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call victory... well, nevermind.

Celestial Tournament




After defeat

Well I, uh, I need to rethink everything. Everything!


Battle start
  • Maybe, uh, maybe you're ready for a lesson in chaos?
Pet lost
  • Dinos... dropping? Dropping?
Killed a pet
  • Dead? Don't you mean extinct?
  • Your pet had its shot, and nature selected it for extinction.
  • Gee, the lack of humility before nature that's being displayed here, uh... staggers me.


Dr. Ion Goldbloom is based on the character Dr. Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park, who was played by Jeff Goldblum in the movies.

Patch changes

External links