Down to Business

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AllianceDown to Business
Start Tyrande Whisperwind
End Tyrande Whisperwind
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +250 The Nightfallen
Rewards Blessed Kal'dorei Banner
19g 40s
Previous A [45] Take Me To Your Leader
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [45] Down to Business.


Enter the Grand Promenade and slay 15 defenders.

  • Suramar defenders slain (15)


First things first, <name>: we must set up our camp.

We do not have the time or resources for a prolonged siege. It is not like we can starve them out. No, we must be swift and sure as an arrow, piercing their heart in one strike.

They are drawing up their battle lines within the city, but could attack us while we are setting up our defenses.

Venture forth and show them what the kaldorei have learned from thousands of years of war. Discover their weaknesses so that we may exploit them.


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv misc tournaments banner nightelf.png [Blessed Kaldorei Banner]


Have you eliminated the threat?


Any regret I had for these people vanished when they went under that shield.



  1. N [45] Insurrection: An Elven Problem (optional}
  2. N [45] Eating Before the Meeting
  3. B [45] Take Me To Your Leader
  4. Complete all of:
  5. N [45G3] Break An Arm

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