Down Kitty!

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NeutralDown Kitty!

Jade Guardian
Start An Windfur
End An Windfur
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 110000
Rewards Item level 384 rings
9g 80s
Previous A [10-35] In Search of Wisdom
Next N [10-35] The Jade Witch


Destroy 8 Jade Guardians


I tried to fight one of the jade tigers in the woods but they were too scary. They stare at you and you turn to a jade statue!

Honest truth! Chen's sister's friend Ni heard it from Kai's mom.

I want to be brave like you though. Can you show me how to beat up those jade tigers?


Inv jewelry ring 123.png [Windfur Band] Inv jewelry ring 123.png [Windfur Ring]
Inv jewelry ring 123.png [An's Ring] Inv jewelry ring 124.png [Meow Meow Band]
Inv jewelry ring 123.png [Jade Smasher Band]

You will also receive:

  • 9g 80s
  • 110000 XP


Wow! You are tough!


Wow! You are awesome! You were like *bam* and they were like *aaaaa* and then they were smashed!


On the way to the Forest Heart for N [10-35] The Double Hozen Dare, An Windfur joins the party and offers this quest. Accept it on the way there. Kill jade tigers and interact with the scared pandaren cubs.


Optional breadcrumb: A [10-35] In Search of Wisdom / H [10-35] Dawn's Blossom

  1. N [10-35] Welcome to Dawn's Blossom
  2. N [10-35] The Double Hozen Dare & N [10-35] Down Kitty!
  3. N [10-35] The Jade Witch
  4. N [10-35] All We Can Spare
  5. N [10-35] I Have No Jade And I Must Scream
  6. N [10-35] Mann's Man
  7. N [10-35] Trapped!
  8. N [10-35] What's Mined Is Yours
  9. N [10-35] The Serpent's Heart
  10. N [10-35] Love's Labor
  11. N [10-35] The Temple of the Jade Serpent
  12. Complete all of:
    1. N [10-35] The Librarian's Quandary
    2. N [10-35] Moth-Ridden & N [10-35] Pages of History
    3. N [10-35] Everything In Its Place
  13. N [10-35] The Jade Serpent

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External links