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Image of Doloria
Title Lady,
Certainly not Doloria (when Doloris)
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Legerdemain Lounge, Dalaran
Status Alive
As Doloris.

Doloria is, according to Maximillian of Northshire, the fairest lady across all of Azeroth[1] and his only true love.[2] He fights to proclaim her beauty and majesty across the land and believes that anyone who questions her beauty must be "without a doubt the most vile of enemies."[1] Despite Maximillian's constant mentions of her, she was entirely absent during his adventures around the time of the Cataclysm, casting doubt on whether she actually existed.

It was later revealed that Doloria is a real, ordinary goblin woman. She doesn't return Maximillian's feelings, but she can't bring herself to upset him with the truth, so she deals with the situation by running away and hiding from him.[3]

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, a dream revealed Doloria's location to Maximillian.[4] When he came to find her in the Legerdemain Lounge in Dalaran, she played along with his fantasy by telling him she was being held against her will. She asked Maximillian and the paladin adventurer traveling with him to retrieve some "jewelry" stolen from her by a group of "hill bandits" (actually hill ettins), so they could use it to buy her freedom. By the time they returned, she'd disguised herself by donning a troll mask and calling herself Doloris.[3] The adventurer helped her to maintain her cover, leading Maximillian to conclude she was taken elsewhere.[5]


Notes and trivia

  • Doloria is a reference to Dulcinea from Don Quixote. Dulcinea is Don Quixote's reimagining of a woman he'd never met (and who may not exist) as his beautiful lady love.

Patch changes


External links

Doloria Doloris