A Fool's Errand

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For the Highmountain quest, see N Paladin [45] A Fool's Errand.
NeutralA Fool's Errand
Start Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle
End Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle
Level 15-30 (Requires 15)
Experience 12,580

 [Pauldrons of Zul'Farrak]
 [Electrified Leggings]
 [Belt of the Deep]

 [Bilgewhizzle's Armbands]
2g 80s (or 75s at max level)
Shareable Yes


Obtain the Tiara of the Deep and Gahz'rilla's Electrified Scale.


I heard that a troll in here, Hydromancer Velratha I think she was called, has come into the possession of a very rare, beautiful, and powerful piece of jewelry called the  [Tiara of the Deep]. She uses it to control the powerful demigod Gahz'rilla, whose very scales are said to crackle with energy. Do you know what all of that means, <race>?

I need it! Kill Velratha, take the Tiara of the Deep, and kill Gahz'rilla for one of his scales. Bring them all back to me pronto! I'll reward you handsomely.


You will be able to choose one of the following
Inv shoulder 145v3.png [Pauldrons of Zul'Farrak] Inv pants mail 38v2.png [Electrified Leggings]
Inv belt 94.png [Belt of the Deep] Inv bracer robe common c 01.png [Bilgewhizzle's Armbands]

You will also receive:

  • 2g 80s (or 75s at max level)
  • 12,580 XP


Do you have what I need?


Excellent! This Tiara will grant me complete control of the water around here, and the Electrified Scale will serve to power all the machines I need to use it all to my advantage!

You're going to make me a very rich and powerful goblin! You can have this, it's nothing compared to what I'll have soon.

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