Dockmaster Herrington

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NeutralDockmaster Herrington
Image of Dockmaster Herrington
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ashvane Trading Company
Occupation Dockmaster, Pirate
Location Redrock Harbor, Vol'dun[44.6, 88.2]
Status Alive

Dockmaster Herrington is a quest giver and member of the Ashvane Trading Company standing on the beach in the northern part of Redrock Harbor in Vol'dun. While adventurers are wearing  [Ashvane Garb], he mistakes them for members of the company and sends them to gather crab meat[1] and confront some shady deckhands suspected of stealing supplies.[2]


As Herrington is normally unfriendly (and unattackable), the following quests can only be accepted by a player when they are disguised using  [Ashvane Garb], which turns all Ashvane forces in Vol'dun neutral:


What are you doin' just standin' around? There's always work to be done.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [30-60] Crabby Crew Stew
  2. ^ N [30-60] Gang Bustin'

External links