Dismantling the Opposition

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KyrianDismantling the Opposition
Start Mikanikos [50.2, 20.5]
End Mikanikos [50.2, 20.5]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Bastion
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] A Partner for Eternity
Next N [60] Friend to the Forgelite


Ride Bron, then defeat 30 Forsworn forces and dismantle 2 Colossus in the Eternal Forge.


The Forsworn mobilize!

We cannot allow them to march.

Attune to Bron, share your power with him.

Between the three of us, we shall destroy this new centurion army!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


Bron was not meant as a tool of destruction, but will excel at it with you!


Exhilarating! Bron grows stronger with your power.


On accept:

Mikanikos says: Lend Bron your power! Your bond will strengthen him.

Hop on Bron:

Mikanikos says: Good opportunity to measure combat prowess. Onward!

In the vehicle interface, players have three abilities:

  1. Inv glove plate bastion d 01.png Strongarm Punch 10 yd range — Bron punches the enemies in front of him, dealing Physical damage. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)
  2. Spell shaman thunderstorm.png Crackdown 25 yd range — Bron smashes the ground in front of him, dealing Physical damage to all enemies in a cone. 2 sec cast (10 sec cooldown)
  3. Ability eyeoftheowl.png Toss Stewards 40 yd range — Bron tosses Mikanikos's forgehands at the targeted Forsworn Colossus to dismantle it. 1 sec cast (10 sec cooldown)

The Crackdown ability is the skill of choice. Though the spell description says "cone", it's more of a 10-yard wide line in front of the caster. It does enough damage to one-shot most enemies.

Forsworn forces include: Converted Clawguards, Forsworn Punishers, Forsworn Overseers, Praetorian Artificers, and Darksworn Forgehands.

Get within range of a colossus:

Mikanikos says: Take down that colossus!

Toss Stewards off cooldown:

Mikanikos says: Forgehands ready for launch!

Objective complete:

Mikanikos says: Forsworn thoroughly routed! Let us return.
Bron teleports back to the quest start area.


  1. N [60] The Eternal Forge
  2. N [60] Refining Ego, N [60] Instruments of Perfection, N [60] Stewards of a Feather
  3. N [60] Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons
  4. N [60] A Partner for Eternity
  5. N [60] Dismantling the Opposition
  6. N [60] Friend to the Forgelite
  7. N [60] Building the Base

Patch changes

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