Discover Rolf's Fate

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AllianceDiscover Rolf's Fate
Start A half-eaten body
End Rolf's corpse
Level 1-30
Category Elwynn Forest
Experience 40-420
Reputation Stormwind, +75
Rewards 2s 40c (compensation at level 70)
Previous A [1-30] Find the Lost Guards
Next A [1-30] Report to Thomas

This quest is part of the quest chain A Fishy Peril.


Search the murloc village for Rolf, or signs of his death.


Upon further searching the area, you find webbed footprints leading east along the shore of Stone Cairn Lake. In the distance to the east, you can just barely see a Murloc village.

Perhaps Rolf's fate ended there...


You find around the neck of the corpse a metal medallion inscribed with the words "Footman Rolf Hartford."


Coordinates for Rolf's corpse: 79, 55


  1. A [1-30] A Fishy Peril
  2. A [1-30] Further Concerns
  3. A [1-30] Find the Lost Guards
  4. A [1-30] Discover Rolf's Fate
  5. A [1-30] Report to Thomas
  6. A [1-30] Cloth and Leather Armor

External links

es:Misión:Descubre el destino de Rolf