Disarming Sha'naar

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AllianceDisarming Sha'naar
Start Vindicator Krethos
End Vindicator Krethos
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 15,070
Reputation +250 Hand of the Prophet
Rewards [Apexis Crystal] (500)
15g 40s
Repeatable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40 Daily] Disarming Sha'naar.


Collect 8 Unrefined Draenic Crystals from the mines located within the Temple of Sha'naar in Tanaan Jungle.


Draenei at the Temple of Sha'naar would mine these mountains for perfect crystals to power our arcane devices. Sadly, the temple is lost to us - we have been betrayed by the Sargerei.

<Name>, it is imperitive that you venture into those mines and secure those crystals before the Sargerei use them in their demonic rituals. If you must kill our former brothers and sisters, so be it.


You will receive: 15g 40s


That temple was once a place of peace and solitude. I fear it is forever corupted.


Very good, <name>. Our scholars will be able to use these crystals to protect and empower our people.


Patch changes

External links