Disarming Bears

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NeutralDisarming Bears
Start Nafien
End Nafien
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 6,550 XP
Reputation +1,000 rep with Timbermaw Hold
Rewards  [Timbermaw Breastplate]
 [Timbermaw Bracers]
 [Timbermaw Leggings]
 [Timbermaw Boots]


Collect 7  [Deadwood Weapons] from Felpaw Village.


I would prefer to do as much as we can to protect my people from the Deadwood tribe without slaughtering every last one of them. We've taken steps towards this before, and if you wish to prove yourself to the Timbermaw tribe, I would ask you do this as well.

Look for the piles of weapons kept in Felpaw Village to the southwest. Take as many as you find. If we disarm the Deadwood tribe, we may be able to stop some bloodshed later.


Do you have the weapons?


Thank you, <race>. An action like this will go a long way towards proving yourself as an ally of the Timbermaw.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest plate27v1.png [Timbermaw Breastplate] Inv bracer 76v2.png [Timbermaw Bracers]
Inv pants leather 40v2.png [Timbermaw Leggings] Inv boots mail 15v3.png [Timbermaw Boots]

You will receive: 70s



  1. Complete all of:
  2. N [15-30] Speak to Salfa — onwards to Winterspring!

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