Desperate Venthyr

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NeutralDesperate Venthyr
Image of Desperate Venthyr
Gender Female
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Pridefall Hamlet, Revendreth

The Desperate Venthyr is a venthyr located in Pridefall Hamlet in Revendreth. She is found draining anima from a Defiant Soul under the supervision of a Clemency Enforcer.


  • Ability ironmaidens whirlofblood.png Tithe Anima — Tithe anima to a font in Revendreth.



These souls are so close to their final judgment that they are hemorrhaging manifestations regularly that are getting more and more dangerous.

We need more souls, fresh souls, if we are to meet the quota the Master and Grand Steward are asking for.

Do you WANT to face the Maw? Do you choose that path?
Let go of your burdens and this will all end.
Confront your past, for both of our sakes.
Admit to your past. Confront it. Acknowledge what you have done.

Patch changes

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