Desperate Prayer (Kharanos)

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AllianceDesperate Prayer
Start Maxan Anvol
End High Priestess Laurena
Level 10 (Requires 10)
Category Priest
Race IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif Human
Rewards [Desperate Prayer]


Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.


Time's come for you to head to Stormwind, <name>. High Priestess Laurena in the Cathedral of Light wants to speak to you. Gotta be somethin' really good or really bad for the High Priestess to want you there personally, but I'm guessin' you've only done well for yourself and it's a good thing that she wants to speak to ya.

But don't waste too much time 'round here. I'd head there as soon as you can.


Spell: [Desperate Prayer]


I'm glad you've arrived, <name>. There are many things we will have to discuss, but more importantly is your training in the ways of the Light.

There are lessons all servants of the Light must learn. If you are ready, we'll begin discussing some of those now.

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