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Desolate Deserts

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Desolate Deserts

Desolate Deserts is a plaque in The Menagerie in Suramar City.


Desolate Deserts

This pen is carefully engineered by our staff to replicate the desolate wastes of deserts.

DID YOU KNOW? Our scholars believe that had we not raised the shield, Suramar might have ended up looking much like this!

DID YOU KNOW? Basilisks used to be all over Suramar! Aggressive culling and hunting for their eyes made them endangered, and only a few species struggle for survival in remote locations.

Basilisks use their mighty gaze to petrify their prey, because they eat rocks!

Our basilisks, of course, are fed a regular diet of rocks and flowers to maintain their brilliant scales. Don't look at them too long!

NOTE: PLEASE do not stare too long at the basilisks. Management is not responsible for additional dispel-petrification fees.


In the time since the Sundering, Suramar's basilisk population has recovered to the point of being one of the more common types of creature in the area. Also, Suramar is not a desert.

Patch changes

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