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Desecrator Ma'veth

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MobDesecrator Ma'veth
No image available
Gender Female
Race Shivarra (Demon)
Level 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Pools of Purity, Valley of the Four Winds
Status Killable

Desecrator Ma'veth is a shivarra located in the Pools of Purity in the Valley of the Four Winds. She corrupted a Water Spirit.


  • Demonic Blast - Forms an orb of Shadow energy that travels towards a foe, blasting them for Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Field - A field of demonic magic forms at the targeted location, inflicting Shadow to targets every second.
  • Torrent of Blades - Spins in a circle, inflicting damage and pulling in nearby enemies. The damage of this ability increases over time.

Objective of


Main article: The Riddle of Purity#Notes

Patch changes

External links